Jeddah Dubai

jeddah dubai

Interest in the Middle East is definitely now a major activity for the Study Rey , and that’s why from 9 to 17 March 2015 Eng . Roberto Rey , representing the Society of Engineering Studio Rey & Associates – at the invitation of Eng. Hashim Al Zahrani ( Riyadh – KSA ) travels trip to Jeddah ( KSA ) and Dubai ( UAE ) . It is with excitement and curiosity that Eng . Roberto Rey goes – for the first time – in Saudi Arabia , in Jeddah where he was able to visit the exhibition ” The Big 5 Saudi Arabia” : in the occasion are deepened and developed speeches already begun a few months earlier during the trip in Dubai . Eng . Hashim Al Zahrani welcomes Eng. Rey to the airport with great courtesy , and again demonstrates its availability and concreteness in emphasizing every detail that can help the engineer Rey to operate in the Middle East .

It must say absolutely that the help and the hospitality and friendship that the host Eng. Hashim Al Zahrani demonstrates Eng. Rey on the occasion of this new meeting represented a unique way to bring the project forward to work in the Middle Orient. In the course of this trip and the days of Jeddah are laid for a new trip to Saudi Arabia: is still the engineer Hashim Al Zahrani that has the idea of organizing – under the aegis of the National Council of Saudi Engineers – a workshop in front of an audience of engineers during which Roberto Rey will present a topic to prepare once back in Rome . Between the two engineers was born certainly a positive and concrete desire of collaboration as well as a beautiful bond of friendship : it is mainly driven by the youngest ( Hashim Al Zahrani ) that examines the arguments which may be the most interesting and there is meeting tentatively for the end of next May.

Eng . Hashim Al Zahrani is very helpful in pointing out every detail and concrete that can help the engineer . Rey to operate in the Middle East .

On the occasion of this new meeting is laid for a new trip to Saudi Arabia during which the engineer . Rey will speak at a workshop in front of an audience of engineers Saudis .

They examine what might be the topics of interest and there is meeting tentatively by the end of next May .

On the way back the engineer Roberto Rey is invited to participate – during the weekend of March 15 and 16 – the meetings of the First “Italian Home & Furniture in Dubai 2015” .

During the two days of interesting work , about forty Italian companies in the world of the house , meet local entrepreneurs and professionals interested in getting in touch with Italian companies .

The meetings and contacts turn out very positive and during the challenging two days Eng. Rey is able to study in depth the new reality and the culture of the Middle East .

The program Sraa to return to Saudi Arabia around the end of May 2015 .

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